Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Week Two - Tutorial Task

Hi, my name is Kate, I'm a student at Griffith University and I'm enrolled in a course by the name of New Technology Commuunications. It's basically a course on how we as a society communicate through different ways. It's pretty interesting, however I fear I may have to be a technological genious to understand half the things people are saying. Unlike most people I dont have interesting interests, I like to do nothing most of the time. Exciting no?

If you follow this blog I can assure that every week there will a new and exciting sum up of the lecture (so it's like your at uni but without the tuition fees). So enjoy.

So sitting in the large lecture hall, awfully content in my little technologically ignorant bubble. Then the great boom of my lecturers voice invades this bubble with his talk of IBM's and Apples. I was silly enough to think 0f the fruit. To be honest I took this course because I thought it would be a breeze. Little did i know what i was getting myslef into. The rage and anxiety I felt about not being able to enrol in this course because the Learning@Griffith site was so flooded with other enraged students seems a little misguided.

But alas, I refuse to drop out. So here I am sitting in this hall listening to the talk of the history of communication. From typewriters to intel pentium processors. Technical words and phrases flying at me left right and centre. I thought I was pretty computer savy, I mean I do belong to Generation Y, apparently that comes with an assumed knowledge of computers. Did they hand out manuals or something? I look around, everyone's looking like they understand. My anxiety reaches its peak but the the lecturer puts up a youtube video. And I realize with much relief that all those technical words are a form of communication, a method of conveying information, a vessel for knowledge. The internet has become a society, a culture. One in which I am a keen member.

Walking out of the first New Communication Technologies lecture I felt inspired and, i'll admitt it, a little enthralled with the idea of weekly blogs. Who knows what the future may hold?

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