Sunday, August 9, 2009

Week Three - Tutorial Task

After the second lecture I'm realizing how much I use these revolutionary technologies in everyday life. It used to be a luxury to have a mobile phone, only the big company executives had them. Now I see ten year olds with them on the bus. The internet used to be a tool for accedemic research, now it's a tool for socialising. We have a world of information at our fingertips. The world has shrunk to the size of a hand held computer. I got my first mobile phone when I was thirteen. My brother got his a couple years later when he was eleven. They weren't the colour screens and polyphonic ringtones, there were black and white screens with monotone ringtones. In the space of 10 years we have entered a new genreation of technology.

Looking back, I realized I probably wouldn't have a use for said technologies if it weren't for a tight social circle in which to use it with. When you think about it communication is the soul reason for all technology. Thousands of years ago we hit logs to communicate, now we hit numeric keys.

The internet. Once a highly advanced system out of reach to the average Aussie Jo, now a way to invite people to parties, keep people up to date with your life, to let others know that vital information, like when you go to the dentist (I'm looking at you Twitter). There are now sites dedicated to simply building social networks ie. Facebook and Myspace. We post our photos on sites like Flickr and yet we ignor the privacy issues. All of these sites are open to everyone, even this one. But this is of little consequence in this day and age, it's actually part of the thrill. People even have friends that they have never met in person and are strictly friends online. Me personally? I don't have any friends that i haven't met in person. Call me old fashioned but I think it's important to meet and befriend a person in the flesh. It's part of the thrill of the internet. You have the freedom to be who you want to be. I think befriending a phantom of a person could be problemmatic.But that's just my opinion.

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