Saturday, August 8, 2009

Week Two - Tutorial Task

Walking away from the first New Communication Technologies lecture I realized how far we've come in they way of technology. Thirty years ago the fact that you could send information through phone line was staggering, yes I'm talking about the humble Fax machine. Now, as the video (above) suggests a Japanese Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) have developed a fiber optic cabel that can send 14 terabits per second. ( This video really put it perspective for me, we are living in times that are moving faster than we ourselves can comprehend.

But what does it all mean? We now socialize over the internet, shop over the internet, date over the internet, research, play and share. It has become a tool for agonized teenagers to share their inner most thoughts, it has inspired a whole generation to take photos of themselves looking depressed at 2 am in the morning. As the video points out, we are living in exponential times, hopefully we will be able to keep up.

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