Friday, September 25, 2009

Tutorial Task Week 8

So these are a montage of photos of a youth group belong to. Hope you enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed making!

Tutorial Task Week 7

So I decided to play around with windows movie maker, here are the results.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Week 9 Tutorial Task

In preperation for the online essay in which i will have the pleasure to write and post, i have looked at different journals and essays which explore the first essay question which is:

Marc Prensky's "Emerging online life of the digital native" and Dave Weinberger's "A New World" both present
different views of contemporary internet users. In light of your own experiences with new technologies do you think they are accurate portrayals? Discuss why or why not with specific examples.

Below are some sources which I have consulted in anticipation of this exciting undertaking.

Source 1:

From: Journal of Planning Education and Research (
Title: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture
Author: Ann Forsyth

This article explores how we are in an age of a new technology and calls "our world, the world of
the Information Age". It emphasizes and compliments the host text for this question and offers so extra ideas and information. This text adds to my argument as I am saying that yes the host text by Prensky and Weinberger, paints an accurate picture of modern society and information technology users.The Forsyth article agrees with and adds to the argument that I want to make.

Source 2:

When old technologies were new: thinking about electric communication in the nineteenth centuary
Carolyn Marvin
Publisher:Oxford University Press

This text really looks at old technologies and how they affected societies before us. I'm a firm believer in the whole learn at where we came from so we know where we are going. I think this source could be useful in evaluating how technologies change and alter societies. She makes the argument that technologies then changed them as much as our technology has changed us.

Source 3:

Communication, technology and society
Lelia Green

Green talks about how technology has become a constant idea in everyday life. She also looks extensivley at how all of these communicative technologies are closely linked to society and culture. Most interestingly she looks at what drives technological change.

This text will be useful as it will provide examples and evidence of my argument and that is that the hosty texts are correct.

Source 4:

Under technology's thumb
William Leiss

Leiss looks at the wider consequences of technology, rather than the benefits. This source disagress with the other sources but its points are still very valid. Leiss adds some tension within my essay. Because technology does have some negative sides and as the title suggests we are in fact under the thumb of technology.

Source 5:

Thinking constructively about science, technology, and society education
Dennis W. Cheek

This is more of an analytical source, it analyses technologies effects on society rather than evaluating it. Cheek really looks at all aspects of modern society and i found his points and I ideas to be invalid so I may use some of his ideas or quotes but I will not use alot. He agrees with the main source but he seems left of the central point that I will be trying to make.

Week 8 Tutorial Task

In a world where we are all politically aware and if not dubbed a close minded fool, we are encouraged to choose and stick to our own political beleifs. The internet as communicative as it is, is a perfect outlet for expressing our political beliefs. Admittedly this can range from which political party you follow, who you hate, what you love, what is politically correct in terms of living and social justice.

The internet is a plethora of communication and ideas, as I have discussed extensively in other blogs. So if we can boradcast our most mundane of thoughts, why can't we broadcast and express our more interesting and controversial thoughts? Everywhere you look on the internet there is some outlet to express our political beliefs and also to learn what each other believes. This blog for example could serve as an outlet for someone to comment and express their beliefs and ideas. Patitions are spammed through countless inboxes and advertised on social networking sites like Facebook, Myspace and Blog pages.

I don't know if anyone has ever been on Yahoo Answers ( but it is an interactive site and one of the areas one can look at it News and Politics. And being an avid Yahoo Answers user as i am, i bear wittness to the political debate and talk that takes place on this site. Yes, i will admitt i do not agree with all of the political ideas posted on the internet, but isn't that the beauty of the internet? That we can post, broadcast, promote, share and express our ideas. Un-edited, un-altered and uncensored.

There is this nasty rumor spreading that the Australian Government wishes to censor our internet calling it the "clean feed". Can I just say, this completely defeats the purpose of the internet. I don't like that my media is censored legt alone my inetrnet feed. If you give them the power to censor some of our internet they'll want to censor all of it.

I realize that censorship is a touchy subject, just bring it up in a room full of journalists and the tension is palpable. Does censorship have a place in democracy? Your politicians would say it does, your average joe probably doesn't care but your politically minded blogger will have something to say. I believe it does not have a place, I want my news raw, my politics un-edited. So censorship does not have a place in a democracy, we should all know the same things and be on the same level. Censorship prevents this.